Room With a View apartments, Reykjavik
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Room With a View apartments


Room With a View is a luxury apartment hotel that was established in 1994. We offer 43 fully furnished & equipped apartments, all different in size and unique design. Room With A View is located in the heart of Reykjavík city center, surrounded by coffee shops, bars, restaurants, museums and shopping boutiques. The hotel is known for its exceptional personal service and we have a high number of returning guests who visit us again and again. It is our goal to continue and focus on our highly rated customer service, to have a lasting experience for each of one our guests and to have them return. We pride ourselves in our customer service and will go that extra mile for our visitors and we aim for this to be part of their journey and memory of Iceland. Our front desk team are always on hand available 24 hours a day to assist guests with anything they may need, we can arrange all tours.

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