Reykjavik Centrum, Reykjavik
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Reykjavik Centrum


This is really a magical property constructed with imagination and an eye for detail. The architectural and building conversion work have been done by a company well-known for its expertise in the restoration of historic Icelandic buildings. The hotel's location and historical provenance are arguably unbeatable. It comes highly recommended. Location This hotel really could not be better located, right in the centre of Reykjavik's old town and just around the corner from Parliament Square. It could, indeed, be said that it is located right on the spot where Reykjavik began its history; during the building of the hotel archaeological remains were discovered which were part of the original settlement, and these are on display in a mini-museum in the hotel's basement. Distance 3 kms to the airport (reykjavík metropolitan area) 50 kms to the airport (keflavík international airport) 1 minute walk to the nearest bus stop Rooms The medium-sized rooms are among those of the highest quality in Iceland. They are very modern in terms of facilities, but with charming traditional touches. Both the rooms and the bathrooms are in exceptional condition. Restaurant The restaurant is on the ground floor and combines modern convenience with cosy traditional charm. Exterior The hotel actually consists of two traditional Reykjavik townhouses (one of which is reputed to be the oldest in the city) joined together by a glass-roofed atrium in which the lobby is located. Lobby The lobby is located between the two old Reykjavik townhouses, which form the two main wings housing rooms and dining facilities. It is light and airy because it is almost entirely constructed of glass, but it still radiates traditional charm.

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