Odinsve Hotel, Reykjavik
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Odinsve Hotel

Offering an unbeatable situation in the downtown Reykjavik, this elegant boutique hotel offers quality accommodation and excellent services, sure to impress even the most discerning guests. It is a perfect base to explore the city centre, where to find National Theatre, the National Gallery of Iceland, the Icelandic Opera and the two main shopping streets of Reykjavik. The bustling area with restaurants and the famous Reykjavik night life is just around the corner. Dating back to the early 19thcentury, this urban establishment showcases a range of accommodation options including rooms, suites and apartments. The units are characterized by Nordic style, commodious furniture and cutting-edge comforts. Travellers may pamper their taste buds with a selection of French and Scandinavian dishes served at the hotel restaurant. Business people may take advantage for a functional meeting room.
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