Les Lodges Sainte Victoire Hotel & Spa, Provence
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Les Lodges Sainte Victoire Hotel & Spa

This luxurious establishment of the 18th century is located in a quiet place, surrounded by a beautiful scenery, close to the Mount Sainte-Victoire and at just a 15-minute drive away from the city of Aix-en-Provence. The complex is nestled in a large park with vineyards and olives, offering magnificent rooms decorated in a chic contemporary style and featuring top-quality amenities to provide an unforgettable stay. Guests will enjoy exquisite gastronomy in the recent award-winning restaurant, overlooking the wonderful Mediterranean landscape of the hotel. The spa is a complete heaven of relaxation where visitors may indulge themselves with the best beauty treatments and top-notch facilities. During the summer days, guests can take a dip into the sparkling swimming pool and relax on the sun loungers while sipping a delicious cocktail.
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