Golden Valley Hotel, Cebu
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Golden Valley Hotel


Golden Valley Hotel is located within Cebu's historic downtown district.  It is just a few minutes away from Cebu's must-visit places like The Basilica Minore Del Santo Nino, Magellan's Cross, Fort San Pedro and the colorful bazaars of Colon St.  For an econonomically-priced hotel, Golden Valley Hotel offers the conveniences of a luxury hotel with all these essential comforts:  complimentary wifi connectivity, TV with cable channels, hot and cold shower, free toiletries and 24-hour front desk and security.  Combine business and pleasure at Golden Valley Hotel.  The function rooms can comfortably accommodate up to 200 guests.  It is also equipped with the latest communications and audio-visual equipment essential for business and social functions.  Golden Valley Hotel offers superior banquet room amenities with excellent service to make events truly memorable.

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