Dewangga Bungalow, Bali
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Dewangga Bungalow


Located in the center of ubud, Dewangga Bungalow probebly the only one small hotel has large and beautiful garden. Here you will be greeted by a peaceful nature and crackle of the water, chirp of the birds in the free world. it is a quiet gateway from Ubud's hectic main streets with all the comfort you need – Infinity Pool, Spa and Massages. Sleep in a cozy cottage with your own kitchen and TV or in a standard Twin or Double Room with access to a shared kitchen and fridge. Either way, all rooms will keep you chilled with their AC and warm you up again with hot showers. Offering hotel guests superior services and a broad range of amenities, Dewangga Bungalow is committed to ensuring that your stay is as comfortable as possible. A selection of top-class facilities such as free Wi-Fi, 24-hour Front Desk and security, daily housekeeping, gift/souvenir shop, can be enjoyed at the hotel

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