Georgia Palace Hotel & SPA, Batumi
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Georgia Palace Hotel & SPA


"Georgia Palace Hotel & Spa Kobuleti is the only Georgian five-star resort brand Hotel in Georgia, operating in hospitality market since 2008. Depending on the location, the hotel has a unique microclimate, a natural landscape, a coastal area with plenty of medical properties. For the first time and exclusively in Georgia the hotel offered a full range of service provisions of Indian, Ayurveda Panchakarma full treatments and packages. The hotel combines all types of 157 rooms, superior type rooms, semi-luxury, family type luxury, premier and presidential luxury, adapted environment. The seaside and mountain landscapes from the balcony of all the rooms, distinguished views that you rarely encounter. If you have already chosen the Hotel, it will become an integral part of your summer destination. The hotel has achieved great success in culinary terms, where the perfect mix of Georgian

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