Green Furnished Apartments, Beirut
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Green Furnished Apartments

Green Furnished Apartments offers 32 fully furnished apartments for both short & long-term rental. Located in Ras Beirut, the vibrant area that has always been characterized by the diversity of its people, and close to the best universities, schools & hospitals in Lebanon or for exploring the cultural delights of Beirut as well as its shopping, restaurants, and bars. Our apartments vary in size, a number of rooms, from a One-bedroom Apartment to Two bedroom apartments with a separate sitting room, balcony, bathrooms, and a dining area. We include everything to make your stay as comfortable and convenient as possible. All of the apartments have a fully equipped kitchen with appliances including a fridge, microwave, a full suite of utensils, and a stove and oven. We also provide a cleaning service, a 24/7 reception, and free Internet access.
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