Cueva del Gato, Costa del Sol
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Cueva del Gato

This hotel is located in Cueva del Gato, and lies very close to Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park (100 m), which has been declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO. It is 4.5 km from the most famous cave area in Andalucia and the mountain range of Grazalema offers spectacular views over the limestone rocks. Benaojan, with its links to the public transport network, town centre and nightspots, is 3 km away and it is 10 km from Ronda's shops. The beach is 65 km away at Marbella. All rooms are exterior-facing and exquisitely decorated in rustic colours. Golf enthusiasts can play a round at Zagaleta Golf Course, which is 45 km from the hotel.

Guests can select their breakfast from a buffet and the hotel's restaurant is popular with the locals as well as visitors to the area.
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