Amman Rotana Hotel, Amman
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Amman Rotana Hotel


It is a 5-star hotel located in the business area, a zone of recent construction. It is a modern building and has all the necessary amenities to make a luxury stay. The hotel is made up by 412 rooms, all of them equipped with Wi-Fi, 24-hour housekeeping service, hairdryer, safe and others. The stay will be even more pleasant if you enjoy of the others facilities of the hotel, because it has all the necessary aspects to spend your days with maximum comfort: gym, sauna, jacuzzi, outdoor pool in the sixth plant, meeting rooms and wedding halls... The gastronomic offer is not less extensive, since its restaurants and bars are perfectly adapted to the tastes of all guests. Thus we have an international restaurant, another one with grill dishes and anther one with Italian food. The bars, located in different points of the building, offer light drinks and meals, to take them in a more informal and relaxed environment. Do not hesitate to stay at this hotel if you are looking for the best quality.