Bed In Spa, Palermo
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Bed In Spa


This unpretentious guest house is situated in Palermo. Situated in the very town centre, the property is easily accessible on foot to a host of places of interest. Within 150 metres visitors will find links of transport that will allow them to explore the area. The accommodation is within 10. 0 kilometre(s) from the nearest beach. Visitors will find the airport within 30. 0 kilometre(s). The accommodation is within 1. 5 kilometre(s) from the harbour. Those wishing to escape the hustle and bustle of daily routine will find peace and tranquillity at this establishment. In addition, Wi-Fi access is offered at the property. This guest house does not offer 24-hour reception. If visitors ask for it, they can have a cot in their rooms. This is not a pet-friendly property. A fee may be chargeable for some services.