Galaxy Art Hotel, Thessaloniki
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Galaxy Art Hotel

This hotel is situated in Thessaloniki. The hotel provides luxury and comfortable lounges. It promises guests a unique and luxurious experience and offers them a range of facilities including a lobby, bar, restaurant and room service. The guest rooms are divided in three different categories in order to cater for the tastes of all guests. Each comes equipped with a double bed, a private bathroom with shower and bathtub, satellite TV, a minibar, office desk, telephone, minibar, Internet access, balcony and air conditioning. Some of the rooms have a private hot tub. There are also 4 luxury suites promising the most comfortable stay possible. The suites feature a double bed, leather couch, a bathroom with double bath, hot tub and private TV, a breakfast lounge, TV, minibar, office desk, phone, Internet access and a balcony.