Splendor, Paris
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The hotel located at 38, rue Cardinet in the elegant 17th arrondissement of Paris, close to Parc Monceau and the most beautiful sights of the French capital, is a real invitation to soñar.Ilusión, dream, faerie. Enter the world of magic. Enjoy a unique experience with the five themes staged in rooms. Playing cards: cards flying in a flash of colors. Illusion: the birth of a fantamogórica atmosphere. Levitation: the body floating in the hands of the magician. Celestial Magic: seduced by the mysteries. A space dedicated to palmistry and zoodiaco signs. Melies: viva the first steps on the moon through a tribute to filmmaker and magician Méliès and his short film; special effects guaranteed. It is 12 minutes from Arc de Triomphe and 3 minutes from Parc Monceau.

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