Sule Shangri-La Yangon, Yangon
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Sule Shangri-La Yangon


Elegant piano music fills the air as you step into the lobby of Sule Shangri-La, Yangon, which lies at the heart of one of Southeast Asia's exciting cities. Sule Shangri-La, Yangon is conveniently located in downtown Yangon near major tourist attractions, such as the Bogyoke Market (Scott Market), Sule Pagoda, China Town and colonial buildings. Sule Shangri-La, Yangon, is only 10-minute drive from Shwedagon Pagoda, People's Park, the National Museum and Kandawgyi Lake. All of the hotel's rooms and public areas feature the fast Wi-Fi Internet access in the country. The hotel is also attached to the Sule Square Mall and Officer Tower, a modern grade A commercial complex that offers three (3) floors of retail podium and 15 floors of offices. The Sule Square Mall is the first upscale mixed-use complex in Yangon, offering an unparalleled location for both business and leisure.