Nexus Resort & Spa Karambunai, Sabah
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Nexus Resort & Spa Karambunai


Nexus Resort & Spa Karambunai is set amidst 1,350 hectares of unspoiled intrinsic beauty. Sitting in the midst of a canvas of 6 km of powder-white sands and million-year old tropical rainforest, it is the ideal retreat for guests looking for an exotic beach holiday with something special. Within an hour's drive of the resort guests will find the Atkinson Tower and the Filipino Handicrafts Market where they can discover some hidden gems to take home. The charming guest rooms reflect the natural beauty of the surroundings with exotic Borneo wood and restful earth tones. Offering the ultimate in luxurious indulgence, the resort offers invigorating Spa treatments and superb dining options with a host of delectable delights. Just a 5-minute drive away, golf enthusiasts will find the course at Karambunai and more active guests will appreciate the nearby water sports.