Angda Pazhou Apartment, Guangzhou
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Angda Pazhou Apartment

Guangzhou AngDa Pazhou apartments opened in March 2016, is located in Guangzhou City, Haizhuqu District Block 18A Xingangdomg road Pazhou Commercial Plaza, Adjacent to the Pazhou Exhibition Center and poly World Trade Center Exhibition Hall (15 minutes walk) from the Guangzhou University City, 1.5 km from the Canton Tower (landmarks) 6 km away from the long long joy in the world 12 km, 33 km from the Baiyun airport. Convenient transportation, located in the No. 4 subway line No. /8 Wanshengwei station on the cover property, D can reach the export lobby; Guangzhou's first sightseeing train terminus is located in the apartment downstairs, direct access to the exhibition center, Canton Tower and other famous places; the gate bus station has up to 20 lines after, greatly facilitate the guests travel. Guangzhou AngDa Pazhou apartment is located in Pazhou Commercial Plaza, the surrounding living facilities, a large shopping plaza (Wansheng Square), large supermarket (Zorpia, sunka etc.), small supermarket (HI), fitness center, MIX cinema, Starbucks coffee shop, McDonald's restaurant, a delicacy street around the country flavor the delicacy. Guangzhou AngDa had all kinds of style room Pazhou apartments, Fangxing diversity pattern, kitchen, laundry and other ancillary equipment with free WIFI, Goods are available in all varieties., independent bathroom, hot water 24 hours, clean and comfortable environment, warm, elegant and quiet. The apartment is on the ground floor with a parking lot and a comfortable and peaceful city. It's the best place for business people.