Microstore Airport Panzió, Budapest
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Microstore Airport Panzió

Notation:  Non notée

The "Microstore Airport Panzio" opened in the summer of 2017 and offers 8 studio apartments with family atmoshphere and an easy-to-access restaurant. The Pension is located in Vecsés central with quiet environment and secure parking. From the pension to the Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport can be reach within 10 minutes and within 20 minutes you can reach the heart of Budapest. The rooms almost home-equipped and have american style kitchens. The apartments can be rented for several days and for several weeks. All of the rooms are air conditioned and have own bathroom, toilet and modern amenities, LCD TV, comfortable new beds and free Wi-Fi. Thanks to the excellent properties of the apartments, there is a possibility of complete self-sufficiency.

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