Mega Hotel, Paleokastritsa
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Mega Hotel


Almost 14km from the city of Corfu and only 10m from the beach, Mega Hotel offer unique hospitality. Free Wi-Fi is provided in public areas. This is a 2-star hotel in the Ipsos-Corfu beach area known as the Golden Mile. Conveniently located in the middle of Ipsos Bay, you will be a few minutes away from all activities. Via public or rented transport, you can easily reach any point in Corfu. You will find a warm and friendly atmosphere to help make your stay on the premises an unforgettable one. The front rooms face the sea and the early morning sunrise, whilst the rooms at the rear face the garden and swimming pool. After a "hard" day's rest, or before starting another day shopping and sightseeing, indulge yourself with a professional massage and combine mental relaxation with physical revitalisation.